1. Information

1.1 Chiarugi Firenze Pelletteria SRL is a sole proprietorship registered with the Florence Business Register under number FI-00961350485, with its registered office at Via G. da Verrazano 2 - 50054 Gucecchio (FI). Chiarugi Firenze Pelletteria SRL is an active sole proprietorship in the retail trade of any type of product conducted via the internet.

2. Questions and Complaints

2.1. If the user wishes to ask any questions, make complaints, or provide comments about this website, they can contact Chiarugi Firenze Pelletteria SRL via the following contacts:
Phone: +39 0571 260902
Email: info@chiarugifirenze.it
PEC: chiarugisnc@pec.cgn.it

3. Content

3.1 The use of the site and its content by the user (which we remind you is free) does not grant any rights concerning any intellectual property rights and related rights, including copyrights, registered trademarks, patents, design rights, trade names, database rights, and related rights, as well as the skills related to this website. All texts, user interfaces, graphic interfaces, graphics, illustrations, photographs, registered trademarks, logos, source code, and other related material (the "Content"), including but not limited to the design, organization, structure, selection, coordination, appearance, and style of the content present on the website belong to and are controlled by Chiarugi Firenze Pelletteria SRL. All mentioned rights are reserved.
3.2 No element of these terms constitutes the transfer of any intellectual property right from us to the user or third parties.
3.3 The user may not copy, reproduce, republish, download, post, broadcast, record, transmit, commercially exploit, modify, communicate to the public, or distribute in any way the content, services, web pages, or materials on the site or the source code of the elements comprising the website for any purpose other than personal use. Moreover, the user may not use any manual or automatic device, program, algorithm, method, or any similar process on any area or content of the website. In consideration of the above, the user may download to their hard drive non-substantial excerpts of this content for viewing, provided that no more than one copy of any information is created.
3.4 Any use other than that permitted by clause 3 may only be carried out with prior written authorization from Chiarugi Firenze Pelletteria SRL.
3.5 Chiarugi Firenze Pelletteria SRL does not claim the use of any name, logo, or trademark in any territory where it does not have rights and will not supply or offer the supply of products and/or services with such name, place, or trademark in such territory.

4. Purchases

4.1 Nothing on this website or the brand websites constitutes an offer to purchase or sell products and/or services in any jurisdiction, as the website is for informational purposes only. All information, descriptions, prices, and other information related to products and/or services displayed on this website and the brand websites are of a general nature only. Chiarugi Firenze Pelletteria SRL does not guarantee that any product and/or service displayed on the website will be available at the time and place the user wishes to purchase any specific product and/or service.
4.2 Obligations, where present, concerning products and services are governed only by agreements based on which they are provided, and nothing on this website should be interpreted to alter such agreements.

5. User’s Use of the Website

5.1 The user agrees to the following conditions of use of the website:
5.1.1 The user will not use the website in any way that may encourage, induce, or commit any criminal, fraudulent, illegal, or prohibited activity by these terms;
5.1.2 The user will not use the website for any purpose other than personal use;
5.1.3 The user will not advertise or promote third parties or their products or services through the distribution of unsolicited emails ("spam");
5.1.4 The user will not transfer files containing viruses or perform any harmful activity to the website;
5.1.5 The user will not insert links to the website from a third-party site without our prior written authorization;
5.1.6 The user will not access or attempt to gain unauthorized access to any account linked or associated with the website to bypass the website’s security measures;
5.1.7 The user will not interfere with any other person's access to use the website or play.
5.2 Each access and use of the website is done at their own risk and responsibility. Chiarugi Firenze Pelletteria SRL recommends using their antivirus software.
5.3 The user is also responsible for ensuring that all persons accessing the website through their internet connection are aware of these terms and any other applicable terms and conditions listed in these terms and is responsible for their compliance.
5.4 Chiarugi Firenze Pelletteria SRL reserves the right to suspend, restrict, or terminate access to this website at any time and without notice at its discretion if it believes the user has violated any restriction present in these terms.

6. User-Uploaded Content

6.1 User-uploaded content:
6.1.1 By providing Chiarugi Firenze Pelletteria SRL with information such as texts, photos, graphics, or other content through the website, the user grants them the right to use such material at their discretion, including modifying, copying, reproducing, distributing, publishing, and removing such material from the website.
6.2 The user guarantees, in relation to any contribution, that:
a) They comply with any applicable law and these terms;
b) The truthfulness, accuracy, and up-to-date nature in all respects and at all times;
c) They have obtained all necessary licenses and/or approvals and have the right to create such contributions;
d) Such contributions are non-confidential unless otherwise specified.
The user will be held liable to Chiarugi Firenze Pelletteria SRL and will indemnify them for any failure to comply with these warranties, including any loss or damage incurred.
6.3 Chiarugi Firenze Pelletteria SRL reserves the right to remove any message posted by the user on the website.
6.4 The user is solely responsible for protecting and backing up their content.

7. User’s Legal Obligations

7.1 The user confirms they are of legal age according to their local jurisdiction or have the consent of their parents or legal guardians.
7.2 The user will comply with the restrictions on their use of the website as set forth in these terms.
7.3 If any claim or damage (including legal fees) is caused by a third party concerning any matter related to this website (including any violation of these terms or the user’s violation of any law or third-party rights), the user agrees to reimburse Chiarugi Firenze Pelletteria SRL.

8. Reliability of Published Information

8.1 Chiarugi Firenze Pelletteria SRL makes no warranty or representation as to the suitability, reliability, availability, absence of viruses, and accuracy of the information, software, services, and related graphics contained on the website.
8.2 The information, software, services, and related graphics contained on the website may contain inaccuracies or errors, despite Chiarugi Firenze Pelletteria SRL taking every reasonable measure to prevent them at the time of publication. Chiarugi Firenze Pelletteria SRL regularly updates the website and reserves the right to modify the published information at any time without notice.

9. Possibility of Suspension or Removal of Our Website

9.1 Chiarugi Firenze Pelletteria SRL does not guarantee that the website, its content, any function offered through the website, and any information contained therein will always be available, uninterrupted, or in perfect working order.
9.2 Access to the website may be temporarily suspended without notice in the event of system failure, maintenance, repair, or for reasons reasonably beyond our control.
9.3 The website is managed by people residing in Italy. Access or use of the website (including any content or functions) may be prohibited by law in certain countries or jurisdictions. The user is responsible for complying with the laws and regulations in force in the country from which they access or use the website. Chiarugi Firenze Pelletteria SRL makes no warranty that the website is appropriate or available for use outside of Italy.

10. Liability if the User is a Consumer

10.1 The website is provided only for domestic and private use. The user agrees not to use Chiarugi Firenze Pelletteria SRL’s website for any commercial or business purpose, and Chiarugi Firenze Pelletteria SRL accepts no liability to the user for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity.
10.2 If digital content provided by us causes damage to a device or digital content owned by the user and this is caused by Chiarugi Firenze Pelletteria SRL’s lack of care, they will repair the damage or compensate


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